Welcome to UMBC HvZ

~Check out our Discord server here~
~Check out our Instagram here~
~To submit mission feedback, click here~
~To register for our annual invitational game, click here~
~For information on UMBC's response to the ongoing pandemic, click here~
Mission Info:
Mondays - 7:00 pm - ITE 104
Thursdays - 7:00 pm - ITE 104
Check the sidebar for this week's planned missions
Open Community Meeting Info:
Every Sunday (while spring & fall classes are in session) at 1:00 pm - Fine Arts 006. You can also attend online via our Discord.
Humans vs. Zombies is a recreational game that combines elements of Nerf wars, manhunt, tag, and capture the flag with unique
mechanics. Humans must complete a wide variety of objectives while fending off zombies - who are constantly trying to infect the
humans, and thus add to the horde. For a more complete description of the rules, visit our rules page.